Skin Health
Seasonal skin - how our skin reacts to the climate
From hot humid summers to icy cold winters, our skin has to put up with a lot as far as the climate is concerned. Skin will react to different weather conditions and environmental factors.
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What does dermatologically tested really mean?
The words “dermatologically tested” are seen on most beauty and skincare products, but what do those two words actually mean? Read on to find out.
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What your skin says about your health
Dermatologists can tell a whole lot about underlying health problems just by looking at your skin. There are some health conditions that begin with skin changes, from breakouts to itchiness, these things can be a clue to something that might be going on inside.
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Water: Your skin's best friend
Water aids the body’s key functions including digestion, muscle function, lubricating joints, as well as flushing out toxins and waste. Water is also vital for our skin’s health, find out more below.
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Your Skin Senses More than Your Eyes
We pay much attention to the function of our eyes, ears and nose for they bring in information that enables us to navigate the world. Yet the skin is the largest organ of perception and when functioning well. it senses much more about our environment then the eyes or ears. Healthy skin enables you to experience life more fully.
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